Poetic Soul Provider

promoting Healing through Love that we may Live

About Acholam Birago
Truths lie dormant at the core of our character, suppressed by life's daily journey, repressed by fear's false declaration of power. Their dormancy causes our spirit to sleep in the bed of deception with restlessness as a detriment to the heart. Awakened by God through trial and admonition, Acholam Birago travels through the tunnels of the soul unearthing the purpose planted by the Husbandman in the hearts of His people.Acholam Birago, a name of stability, humility, and victory. A name derived from the lands of Africa, kissed by the Nigerian sun, defined by the tribe of Ibo. A name tagged with a charge to deliver a message to love's vacant territory.

Wisconsin-born, Birago spent the first twelve years of his life in the projects of Milwaukee with his mother and siblings. Chicago became a second home as frequent visits to his grandmother, “Ma” warmed his heart with aged wisdom and meals that could only be cooked by the ol' school. Relocation to his father's house gave parental rights to the streets of Los Angeles which instilled its own wisdom into his thirteen year old mind.

With the Word as his guide, love as his landscape, and poetry as his vehicle, Birago delivers a message of restoration. His poetry motivates men to move in God, inspires them to proceed in purpose, and empowers them to enrich the lives of others. Inspired by the blossom of character in children, motivated by their struggle under the roofs of conflicted custodians, he strives to restore the love into the hearts of others as God intended. Reaching men and women within their respective roles, Birago pierces the heart, exposing the wounds, so that God may heal.

Mind Boggling

Acholam Birago

Mind over matter or does it even matter
as we watch our worlds shatter
Because games are being played and as our emotions parade
there are realistic decisions to be made…“meaning”
Stop thinking with your emotions while you should be thinking with your mind
Some say love is beautiful ~ Some say love is blind
Because of love... Some say they’ve wasted lots of time
Who’s to blame or is there a blame???
I don’t know, it all appears to be the same.
Who’s to fix it even if it can be fixed???
A troublesome question, let’s not all think too quick.
Smiles to lift the spirits ~ Frowns to down the soul
Now does this even matter if no one has control?
Love was mistaken now a lonely heart is awakened
while Sex is being used as a power tool
That many are losing themselves trying to rule.
Just remember one thing... Somebody has to play the fool.
Love is a gamble... please believe it,
You crap out and now your world is scrambled.
Love is lost, yet at whose cost?
Now, one wants to save the world
But the world could care less about that one
No disrespect, you need a reality check
You’re angry and filled with lots of tears
The heart is cold ~ The body is numb…
Cause and effect from throughout the years.
Your soul is lost ~ Your mind is confused
as spirits reach from all angles,,, Which should you choose???
His or hers ~ words or feelings ~ Both remain unknown.
Pay close attention to one’s actions and how well they sit upon
God’s throne
A word to the wise,
Know that an ungodly relationship will cause your soul to roam
For love lives within the heart and there is no place like home.

Acholam Birago/your Poetic SoulProvider