Poetic Soul Provider

promoting Healing through Love that we may Live

About Acholam Birago
Truths lie dormant at the core of our character, suppressed by life's daily journey, repressed by fear's false declaration of power. Their dormancy causes our spirit to sleep in the bed of deception with restlessness as a detriment to the heart. Awakened by God through trial and admonition, Acholam Birago travels through the tunnels of the soul unearthing the purpose planted by the Husbandman in the hearts of His people.Acholam Birago, a name of stability, humility, and victory. A name derived from the lands of Africa, kissed by the Nigerian sun, defined by the tribe of Ibo. A name tagged with a charge to deliver a message to love's vacant territory.

Wisconsin-born, Birago spent the first twelve years of his life in the projects of Milwaukee with his mother and siblings. Chicago became a second home as frequent visits to his grandmother, “Ma” warmed his heart with aged wisdom and meals that could only be cooked by the ol' school. Relocation to his father's house gave parental rights to the streets of Los Angeles which instilled its own wisdom into his thirteen year old mind.

With the Word as his guide, love as his landscape, and poetry as his vehicle, Birago delivers a message of restoration. His poetry motivates men to move in God, inspires them to proceed in purpose, and empowers them to enrich the lives of others. Inspired by the blossom of character in children, motivated by their struggle under the roofs of conflicted custodians, he strives to restore the love into the hearts of others as God intended. Reaching men and women within their respective roles, Birago pierces the heart, exposing the wounds, so that God may heal.


Acholam Birago

Gratitude ~ A positive emotion, An attitude of acknowledgment, Grateful to give, Thankful to receive, Appreciative for just the little things, Gratitude produces an abundance of happiness, It uplifts your spirit and reduces stress & Gratitude opens the door to obedience

Obedience ~ The ability to submit to Love, The desire to surrender to His Will, The willingness to listen, The choosing to follow rules laws and instructions, Obedience develops one to be humbled,
It opens the soul for wisdom, Obedience brings peace, strength and clarity & It equips the soul to become discipline

Discipline ~ Offers the might to take a stance, Measures one’s beliefs, Heightens one’s capability of being corrected, Fuels the heart to finish what was started, Discipline builds self-esteem and self worth, It develops positive productive characteristics & Discipline allows one to be in their own lane separate from statistics

God’s Children Are Equipped To Be…
Responsible And To Take On Much Responsibility

Through gratitude, obedience and discipline we as God’s children have been empowered to Respond to any problem, circumstance or situation with the super natural Ability He has granted us, Trust. We are all born into sin: a carnal mindset that causes us to operate in selfishness. Non-the-less, sin causes us to be controlled by self-pleasures, self-desires and our own self-will, driving by how we feel. In this sinful state we lack the ability to respond to any matter with love and consideration for others,,, even our own Christian sisters and brothers. Responsibility is responding within your ability, thus excepting accountability. Are you able to respond in a loving and considerate way without God as your guide? The attempt to do so is emotional, metal and spiritual suicide. Without God as our strength and our guide we are merely operating with good intentions,,, not to mention, which is still governed by selfishness. Yes, I speak from experience I confess. Operating in this state will eventually destroy the soul(hope) of another, and at some point your very own soul will take its toll and completely loose control. Something as simple as lacking gratitude allows disappointment, anger and bitterness to consume our thoughts as if it were cancer. Bombarding our mind with questions and no answers. This is very dangerous for all that is manifested comes threw thoughts. Including some wickedness that has never been taught. Thoughts form beliefs that dictate our decisions and actions,,, often producing detrimental “harmful” infractions. Nothing good will ever comes from negative emotions fueling our thoughts. Claiming we’re not for sale, yet from the payment of self-entitlement our soul has been bought. Gratitude allows joy and happiness to fuel our thoughts. Lifting our spirit so high that it can’t be caught. When our thoughts are in alignment with the heart it places our soul in position for obedience. Allowing us to receive God’s clear and loving guidance. Obedience takes us out of our own ability, perspective, understanding, will, desires and plans allowing us to clearly hear from God voice. Now we know what we’re asked to be discipline in yet it’s still our choice. Operating in discipline can be very difficult and it’s impossible without gratitude and obedience at the center of your core. For self-fulfillment always yarns for more. Disappointment, anger and bitterness will justify one’s soul to rebel even in the things we know God is saying. We as God’s children are equipped to be responsible and to take on much responsibility so no more delaying. Through His son Jesus, His law, guidance and word we’re Able to Respond to life’s curves and ups and downs according to His will and for His Glory. As a man of God I vow to become more responsible while taking on much responsibility from this day forth, end of story.

By Acholam Birago/ your Poetic SoulProvider